
Where to eat in San Daniele.

A practical list of facilities in our town wich offer a complete menu to satisfy any costumer.

In the Prosciutto’s town, you’ll find a solid culinary tradition, respected by numerous diners ready to warmly welcome their customers. 

In San Daniele there is a slight distinction between Prosciutterie and Restaurants: while the first serve cold dishes based on ham and possibly a first course, the seconds serve a whole menu, still filled with typicality, among which obviously stands out anyway the beloved product for which San Daniele is so famous all over the world.

Enoteca La Trappola
via Fratelli Cairoli, 2 - San Daniele del Friuli
+39 0432 942090
Osteria Villanova
via Nazionale, 37 - San Daniele del Friuli (fraz. Villanova)
+39 0432 956262

Ufficio Turistico Pro San Daniele
Via Roma n° 3 - San Daniele del Fr. (UD)
Tel / Fax +39 0432 940765
Fotografie fornite dal Circolo Fotografico Sandanielese "E. Battigelli"
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