Artistic Itinerary

San Daniele’s city center is full of buildings and churches defined by their artistic and historical merits, like the ancient Town Hall with the Loggia (a covered space typically delimited by culumns) situated underneath; this building, dated back to the fifteenth century, nowadays hosts a section of the ancient Biblioteca Guarneriana.

Walking through Via Roma, you can admire the Casa del Trecento, the only house from the former old medieval town still intact. The house hosts a small museum with old findings from the first and second World War.


The church of Santa Maria della Fratta is situated not far away; the original building dates back to the year 1350. Inside, you can admire: a fresco representing a scene of a hawk hunt and the remains of a painting representing a Madonna and Child on the Throne, both dating back to the 15th century, one of the duomo’s bells dating back to the year 1400 and a canvas from the ’600 representing the Entombment of Christ.

Walking through Via Roma you’ll get to the Castel’s Park, where probably existed a fortified location since the 11th century. The castle was looted and set on fire by the villagers in February 1511, and later it was damaged again after a earthquake. It was rebuilt in 1517, but during the century it underwent further damage.

The location on which it rised was sold in 1756 and on the remains of the castle was erected Palazzo Ticozzi – de’ Concina. Near the villa, is situated the Church of San Daniele in Castello.


The church dates back to the ’700, while the belltower, built by renovating one of the towers that composed the old castel, was realised in 1486. On the outside, you can admire the copy of a bas-relief depicting the Adoration of the Magi, sculpted underneath the old entrance.

On the road towards the historical centre, walking through the Pellegrino Square, you’ll reach Piazza Cattaneo,  a small square where you can see a beautiful fountain built in the 16th century and created following the design by Giovanni da Udine.

Close to the square, is situated the Portonàt, the only door of the medieval town still undamaged, built in 1579 following the architectural project by Andrea Palladio. If you keep walking along Via Garibaldi, on the left you’ll find the church dedicated to Sant’Antonio Abate. The facade, in venetian-gothical style, is made out of  Istrian Stone, and it includes a Rose window with a Madonna with Child set at the centre. On the inside, you’ll find an amazing series of frescoes painted from 1497 and 1522 by Martino da Udine, better known as San Daniele’s Pilgrim.


After visiting this church, also known as “Friuli’s Cappella Sistina„ you’ll reach Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II; the square is characterized by the wonderful Duomo di San Michele Arcangelo. Sacred in 1806, the church was inspired by the works of art of Andrea Palladio, and was realised by the architect Domenico Rossi. The bronzed portals, from 1982, were made by local sculptor Nino Gortan. On the inside, you can admire: the baptismal font sculpted by Carlo da Carona (1510); the Holy Trinity by Antonio de Sacchis, called il Pordenone (1535); the copy of a canvas painted by Domenico Fabris in 1870, as well as two triptychs situated in the choir. The triptychs are the result of the combination of six different canvas: the two central ones, representing The Marriage of the Virgin and Jesus’ Circumcision, were painted by Pomponio Amalteo (1549), while the four paintings on the sides, depicting Cain and Abel, the Binding of Isaac, Moses and Aron and The Gathering of the Manna were made by Girolamo Lugaro (1625). Behind the duomo you’ll be able to admire the belltower, realised following a project by Giovanni da Udine.

Another church deserving of a visit is the Santuario di Madonna di Strada. Built in the 17th century, the sanctuary is one of the most important baroque building in the region. On the inside, it houses the alterpiece depicting the Madonna with Child painted in 1506 by San Daniele’s Pilgrim and is considered miraculous by the locals.

Near the sanctuary, in Via Udine, is set the Terriotory’s Museum. The building hosts handiworks with holy subjects, some archeological finds and also reperts originary from private donations.

Ufficio Turistico Pro San Daniele
Via Roma n° 3 - San Daniele del Fr. (UD)
Tel / Fax +39 0432 940765
Fotografie fornite dal Circolo Fotografico Sandanielese "E. Battigelli"
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